Containing the Old Testament, AND THE NEW:

Newly Translated out of the Original tongues: & with the former Translations diligently compared and revised by his Majesties special Commandment.

Appointed to be read in Churches.

Published by Russell Hernandez Ruiz. Servant of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Anno Dom. c. 1900 pure Cambridge text.

Concerning purity...

The Text

The exact purity of the OT and NT text is largely entrusted to the folks at (heretofore referred to as the BP text) and of the apocrypha to UBS' Digital Bible Library's so-called 1769 standardized text (heretofore referred to as the UBS text) until every verse can be thoroughly checked by hand with a Cambridge print.

All book titles and endtitles were manually transcribed by the publisher (yours truly).


Chapter Headings

All psalm chapter headings come from the BP text. Some were corrected for missing hyphens.


Paragraph divisions— customarily marked by a pilcrow () —all come from the UBS text.

Displays of the symbol should correspond with the Cambridge text.

Section Headings

Psalm 119 and Baruch 6 headings were manually transcribed.

Added words

Whether a word has been added in translation— customarily marked by italics —comes almost entirely from the BP text.

For the Apocrypha, the UBS text only marks some words that are traditionally bracketed; therefore we cannot mark added words in the Apocrypha yet; and so lack of markings in the Apocrypha should not be interpreted as direct Greek correspondence.